No Matches
vctr Namespace Reference

The main namespace of the VCTR project. More...


namespace  juce_helpers
 Helper functions to integrate vctr into dsp code written with JUCE (


class  AlignedAllocator
 Returns aligned pointers when allocations are requested. More...
class  Array
 The stack-based container type. More...
struct  AVXRegister
struct  CombinedStorageInfo
struct  CombinedStorageInfo< InfoA, InfoB >
struct  Config
struct  Constant
 A simple helper struct to pass a constant as argument wrapped in a struct with a single public static constexpr member variable named value. More...
struct  dBFS
 Decibel constant dbFS to be passed to dbToMag or magToDb. More...
struct  dBPower
 Decibel constant dbPower to be passed to dbToMag or magToDb. More...
struct  dBVoltage
 Decibel constant dbVoltage to be passed to dbToMag or magToDb. More...
struct  DefaultVectorAllocator
 The default allocator choice for non-arithmetic types is a simple std::allocator. More...
struct  DefaultVectorAllocator< ElementType >
 The default allocator choice for arithmetic types is an AlignedAllocator. More...
struct  DisabledConstant
 A helper struct to indicate that a constant template should be considered disabled. More...
struct  ExpressionChainBuilderWithRuntimeArgs
 An expression chain builder is an object which supplies various operator<< overloads which build chains of Expression Templates by prepending the templated ExpressionType to the source. More...
struct  ExpressionTemplateBase
 The base class to every expression template. More...
struct  NeonRegister
class  OwnedArray
 A handy shortcut for Array<std::unique_ptr<OwnedElementType>, n>. More...
class  OwnedVector
 A handy shortcut for Vector<std::unique_ptr<OwnedElementType>>. More...
class  Range
 A simple range class. More...
class  ReductionExpression
 A collection of static functions used to evaluate reduction expressions. More...
struct  RequireConstexpr
 A helper struct intended to check if a value is a constexpr. More...
class  Span
 The view type. More...
struct  SSERegister
struct  StaticStorageInfo
 A storage info type especially used to pass compile time constant traits when viewing externally owned memory via a Span in case we know that the viewed memory will fulfil certain traits. More...
struct  StorageInfo
 A helper class to describe some properties regarding the storage class wrapped in a VctrBase instance. More...
struct  StorageInfo< detail::VectorBoolWorkaround< Allocator > >
struct  StorageInfo< std::array< ElementType, size > >
struct  StorageInfo< std::vector< ElementType, AlignedAllocator< ElementType, alignmentInBytes > > >
struct  StorageInfo< StorageType >
struct  StorageInfoWithMemberAlignment
 A storage info type especially used for vctr::Span. More...
class  VctrBase
 The base class to all one dimensional containers and views in the VCTR project. More...
class  Vector
 The heap-allocated container type. More...


template<template< size_t, class... > class ExpressionType, class... AdditionalCompileTimeParameters>
using ExpressionChainBuilder = ExpressionChainBuilderWithRuntimeArgs< ExpressionType, detail::RuntimeArgChain< std::tuple<> >, AdditionalCompileTimeParameters... >
 Convenient typedef to create a simple expression chain builder instance for an expression template.
template<class T >
using ValueType = typename detail::ValueType< std::remove_cvref_t< T > >::Type
 If T is an expression template, it equals its return type, if it's a type that defines value_type as a public typedef, it equals value_type.
template<class T >
using DataType = typename detail::DataType< std::remove_reference_t< T > >::Type
 The const correct element type derived from a call to T::data.
template<is::number T>
using RealType = typename detail::RealType< std::remove_cvref_t< T > >::Type
 If T is any instance of std::complex, this will be the real value_type, otherwise this will be T.
template<is::realNumber T>
using FloatType = typename detail::FloatType< std::remove_cvref_t< T > >::Type
 The best matching float type for the real number type T.
template<has::sizeAndData T>
using StorageInfoType = typename detail::StorageInfoType< std::remove_cvref_t< T > >::Type
 If t is a type derived from VctrBase, this will equal the return value of T::getStorageInfo, otherwise this will be StorageInfo<T>.


enum class  CPUInstructionSet {
  sse4_1 , avx , avx2 , neon ,


template<class OtherElementType , size_t otherSize>
 Array (std::array< OtherElementType, otherSize > &&) -> Array< OtherElementType, otherSize, otherSize >
template<class First , is::suitableInitializerForElementType< std::remove_cvref_t< First > >... Other>
 Array (First &&, Other &&...) -> Array< std::remove_cvref_t< First >, sizeof...(Other)+1 >
template<class SingleArg >
 Array (SingleArg &&) -> Array< typename detail::SingleArgDeductionHelper< SingleArg >::Type, detail::SingleArgDeductionHelper< SingleArg >::extent >
template<class Pointer , std::same_as< Pointer >... Pointers>
 OwnedArray (Pointer *, Pointers *...) -> OwnedArray< Pointer, sizeof...(Pointers)+1 >
template<class ElementType >
consteval auto simdAlignedSpanStorageInfo ()
 Creates a StaticStorageInfo instance suitable to be passed to a Span constructor.
template<class ElementType , bool isDataSIMDAligned, bool isStorageSIMDExtended>
 Span (ElementType *, size_t, const StaticStorageInfo< isDataSIMDAligned, isStorageSIMDExtended, alignof(std::span< ElementType >)> &) -> Span< ElementType, std::dynamic_extent, StaticStorageInfo< isDataSIMDAligned, isStorageSIMDExtended, alignof(std::span< ElementType >)> >
template<class Container >
 Span (Container &&) -> Span< DataType< Container >, extentOf< Container >, StorageInfoWithMemberAlignment< alignof(std::span< DataType< Container >, extentOf< Container > >), StorageInfoType< Container > > >
template<class ElementType >
auto makeSimdAlignedSpan (ElementType *data, size_t size)
 Creates a span with dynamic extent pointing to a memory location that is expected to be SIMD aligned.
template<size_t extent, class ElementType >
requires (extent != std::dynamic_extent)
auto makeSimdAlignedSpan (ElementType *data)
 Creates a span with static extent pointing to a memory location that is expected to be SIMD aligned.
template<is::anyVctr Lhs, is::anyVctr Rhs>
requires std::same_as<ValueType<Lhs>, ValueType<Rhs>>
constexpr bool operator== (const Lhs &lhs, const Rhs &rhs)
 Compares lhs and rhs for equality.
template<is::triviallyCopyableWithDataAndSize OtherContainer>
 Vector (const OtherContainer &other) -> Vector< ValueType< OtherContainer > >
template<std::input_iterator Iterator, std::sentinel_for< Iterator > Sentinel>
 Vector (Iterator first, Sentinel last) -> Vector< std::iter_value_t< Iterator > >
template<is::suitableInitializerFunction Fn>
 Vector (size_t size, Fn &&initializerFunction) -> Vector< std::invoke_result_t< Fn, size_t > >
template<is::expression Expression>
 Vector (Expression &&e) -> Vector< ValueType< Expression > >
template<is::uniquePtr FirstArg, is::uniquePtr... Args>
requires (are::same<FirstArg, Args...>)
 OwnedVector (FirstArg &&, Args &&...) -> OwnedVector< typename FirstArg::element_type >
template<is::anyVctrOrExpression SrcAType, is::anyVctrOrExpression SrcBType>
constexpr auto operator+ (SrcAType &&a, SrcBType &&b)
 Returns an expression that adds two vector or expression sources.
template<is::anyVctrOrExpression Src>
constexpr auto operator+ (typename std::remove_cvref_t< Src >::value_type single, Src &&vec)
 Returns an expression that adds a single value to a vector or expression source.
template<is::anyVctrOrExpression Src>
constexpr auto operator+ (Src &&vec, typename std::remove_cvref_t< Src >::value_type single)
 Returns an expression that adds a vector or expression source to a single value.
template<class T >
constexpr auto clampLow (T lowerBound)
 Ensures that the elements are not lower than lowerBound.
template<class T >
constexpr auto clampHigh (T upperBound)
 Ensures that the elements are not greater than upperBound.
template<class T >
constexpr auto clamp (T lowerBound, T upperBound)
 Ensures that the elements are not lower than lowerBound and not higher than upperBound.
template<class SrcAType , class SrcBType >
requires (is::anyVctrOrExpression<std::remove_cvref_t<SrcAType>> && is::anyVctrOrExpression<std::remove_cvref_t<SrcBType>>)
constexpr auto operator/ (SrcAType &&a, SrcBType &&b)
 Returns an expression that divides vector or expression a by vector or expression b.
template<class Src >
requires is::anyVctrOrExpression<Src>
constexpr auto operator/ (typename std::remove_cvref_t< Src >::value_type single, Src &&vec)
 Returns an expression that divides a single value by a vector or expression source.
template<class Src >
requires is::anyVctrOrExpression<Src>
constexpr auto operator/ (Src &&vec, typename std::remove_cvref_t< Src >::value_type single)
 Returns an expression that divides a vector or expression source by a single value.
template<class SrcAType , class SrcBType >
requires (is::anyVctrOrExpression<std::remove_cvref_t<SrcAType>> && is::anyVctrOrExpression<std::remove_cvref_t<SrcBType>>)
constexpr auto operator* (SrcAType &&a, SrcBType &&b)
 Returns an expression that multiplies vector or expression a with vector or expression b.
template<class Src >
requires is::anyVctrOrExpression<Src>
constexpr auto operator* (typename std::remove_cvref_t< Src >::value_type single, Src &&vec)
 Returns an expression that multiplies a single value with a vector or expression source.
template<class Src >
requires is::anyVctrOrExpression<Src>
constexpr auto operator* (Src &&vec, typename std::remove_cvref_t< Src >::value_type single)
 Returns an expression that multiplies a vector or expression source with a single value.
template<class SrcAType , class SrcBType >
requires (is::anyVctrOrExpression<std::remove_cvref_t<SrcAType>> && is::anyVctrOrExpression<std::remove_cvref_t<SrcBType>>)
constexpr auto operator- (SrcAType &&a, SrcBType &&b)
 Returns an expression that subtracts vector or expression b from vector or expression a.
template<class Src >
requires is::anyVctrOrExpression<Src>
constexpr auto operator- (typename std::remove_cvref_t< Src >::value_type single, Src &&vec)
 Returns an expression that subtracts a vector or expression source from a single value.
template<class Src >
requires is::anyVctrOrExpression<Src>
constexpr auto operator- (Src &&vec, typename std::remove_cvref_t< Src >::value_type single)
 Returns an expression that subtracts a single value from a vector or expression.
template<is::anyVctrOrExpression SrcBaseType, is::anyVctrOrExpression SrcExpType>
constexpr auto pow (SrcBaseType &&bases, SrcExpType &&exponents)
 Returns an expression that raises the elements in bases element-wise to the power of the elements in exponents.
template<is::anyVctrOrExpression Src>
constexpr auto pow (typename std::remove_cvref_t< Src >::value_type base, Src &&exponents)
 Returns an expression that raises the base value base to the power of the elements in exponents.
template<is::anyVctrOrExpression Src>
constexpr auto pow (Src &&bases, typename std::remove_cvref_t< Src >::value_type exponent)
 Returns an expression that raises the elements in bases to the power of the exponent value.
template<template< size_t, class... > class ExpressionType, class... RuntimeArgs>
requires (sizeof... (RuntimeArgs) > 0)
auto makeExpressionChainBuilderWithRuntimeArgs (RuntimeArgs... runtimeArgs)
 Helper function to build factory functions for expressions that rely on runtime argument values.
template<template< size_t, class... > class ExpressionType, class ExpressionTemplateArg , class... RuntimeArgs>
requires (sizeof... (RuntimeArgs) > 0)
auto makeTemplateExpressionChainBuilderWithRuntimeArgs (RuntimeArgs... runtimeArgs)
 Helper function to build factory functions for expressions that rely on runtime argument values.
template<is::range RangeType>
auto map (RangeType &&srcValueRange, RangeType &&dstValueRange)
 Maps all source element values from srcValueRange to values in dstValueRange.
template<is::realFloatNumber T>
auto map (T srcValueRangeStart, T srcValueRangeEnd, T dstValueRangeStart, T dstValueRangeEnd)
 Maps all source element values from the range srcValueRangeStart to srcValueRangeEnd to values in [dstValueRangeStart, dstValueRangeEnd].
template<is::range RangeType>
auto mapFrom0To1 (RangeType &&dstValueRange)
 Maps all source element values from the range [0.0 to 1.0] to values in dstValueRange.
template<is::realFloatNumber T>
auto mapFrom0To1 (T dstValueRangeStart, T dstValueRangeEnd)
 Maps all source element values from the range [0.0 to 1.0] to values in the range from [dstValueRangeStart to dstValueRangeEnd].
template<is::range RangeType>
auto mapTo0To1 (RangeType &&srcValueRange)
 Maps all source element values from srcValueRange to values in the range [0.0 to 1.0].
template<is::realFloatNumber T>
auto mapTo0To1 (T srcValueRangeStart, T srcValueRangeEnd)
 Maps all source element values from teh range [srcValueRangeStart to srcValueRangeEnd] to values in the range [0.0 to 1.0].
template<class Fn >
constexpr auto transformedBy (Fn &&fn)
 Transforms all source elements by applying fn to them.
template<class ElementType , size_t alignmentInBytesLHS, size_t alignmentInBytesRHS>
constexpr bool operator== (const AlignedAllocator< ElementType, alignmentInBytesLHS > &, const AlignedAllocator< ElementType, alignmentInBytesRHS > &)
CPUInstructionSet getHighestSupportedCPUInstructionSet ()
template<is::anyVctrOrExpression V>
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const V &vec)
int sizeToInt (size_t size)
 Casts the size_t argument to an int.
template<class A , class B >
consteval size_t getCommonExtent ()
 Returns std::dynamic_extent in case both sources specify a dynamic extent.
template<class A , class B >
constexpr void assertCommonSize (const A &a, const B &b)
 Ensures that both sources have the same size.
template<class T >
consteval std::string_view typeName ()
 Returns a string containing the templates type name.
consteval std::string_view typeName< void > ()
consteval std::string_view typeName< int8_t > ()
consteval std::string_view typeName< uint8_t > ()
consteval std::string_view typeName< int16_t > ()
consteval std::string_view typeName< uint16_t > ()
consteval std::string_view typeName< int32_t > ()
consteval std::string_view typeName< uint32_t > ()
consteval std::string_view typeName< int64_t > ()
consteval std::string_view typeName< uint64_t > ()
template<class T >
consteval std::string_view typeName (const T &)
template<class R , class Arg , R(*)(Arg) fn>
consteval std::string_view functionName ()
 Returns the name for a function with a single argument.
template<class R , class ArgA , class ArgB , R(*)(ArgA, ArgB) fn>
consteval std::string_view functionName ()
 Returns the name for a function with two arguments.


constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::Absabs
 Computes the absolute value of the source values.
template<auto lowerBound>
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::ClampByConstant, Constant< lowerBound >, DisabledConstantclampLowByConstant
 Ensures that the elements are not lower than lowerBound.
template<auto upperBound>
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::ClampByConstant, DisabledConstant, Constant< upperBound > > clampHighByConstant
 Ensures that the elements are not higher than upperBound.
template<auto lowerBound, auto upperBound>
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::ClampByConstant, Constant< lowerBound >, Constant< upperBound > > clampByConstant
 Ensures that the elements are not lower than lowerBound and not higher than upperBound.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::Cubecube
 Raises the source values to the power of three.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::Maxmax
 Computes the maximum value of the source values.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::MaxAbsmaxAbs
 Computes the maximum value of the absolute value of the source values.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::Meanmean
 Computes the mean value of the source values.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::MeanSquaremeanSquare
 Computes the mean value of the squared source values.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::RootMeanSquarerms
 Computes the square root of the mean value of the squared source values.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::Minmin
 Computes the minimum value of the source values.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::MinAbsminAbs
 Computes the minimum value of the absolute value of the source values.
template<auto constantValue>
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::MultiplyVecByConstant, Constant< constantValue > > multiplyByConstant
 Returns an expression that multiplies a vector or expression source with a compile time constant.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::NormalizeSumnormalizeSum
 Computes the sum of the source elements and divides all source elements by that sum.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::Sqrtsqrt
 Computes the square root of the source values.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::Squaresquare
 Squares the source values.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::Sumsum
 Computes the sum of the source values.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::Angleangle
 Computes the phase angles of the complex source values.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::Conjugateconjugate
 Computes the complex conjugate of the source values.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::Imagimag
 Extracts the imaginary parts of the complex source values.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::PowerSpectrumpowerSpectrum
 Computes the power spectrum of the complex source values.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::Realreal
 Extracts the real parts of the complex source values.
template<is::constant DecibelConstant, auto minDb = -100>
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilderWithRuntimeArgs< expressions::MagToDb, detail::RuntimeArgChain< std::tuple<>, std::tuple<>, std::tuple<> >, DecibelConstant, Constant< minDb > > magToDb
 Converts the source magnitude into a decibel representation.
template<is::constant DecibelConstant>
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilderWithRuntimeArgs< expressions::DBToMag, detail::RuntimeArgChain< std::tuple<>, std::tuple<>, std::tuple<> >, DecibelConstant > dbToMag
 Converts the source decibel values into their magnitude representation.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::Expexp
 Computes e (Euler's number, 2.7182818...) raised to the source vector elements power.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::Lnln
 Computes the natural logarithm of the source values.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::Log10log10
 Computes the logarithm to the base of ten of the source values.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::Log2log2
 Computes the logarithm to the base of two of the source values.
template<auto base>
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::PowConstantBase, Constant< base > > powConstantBase
 Evaluates base raised to the power of the source elements.
template<auto exponent>
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::PowConstantExponent, Constant< exponent > > powConstantExponent
 Evaluates the source elements raised to the power of exponent.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::NoAccelerationFilterdontUseAcceleration
 This filter expression ensures that only basic operator[] based evaluation of the previous expression is possible.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::PlatformVectorOpsFilterusePlatformVectorOps
 Filter expression to force platform vector operation based accelerated evaluation.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::SSEFilteruseSSE
 This filter expression ensures that only SSE based accelerated evaluation of the previous expression is possible.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::AVXFilteruseAVX
 This filter expression ensures that only AVX based accelerated evaluation of the previous expression is possible.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::NeonFilteruseNeon
 This filter expression ensures that only Neon based accelerated evaluation of the previous expression is possible.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::AVXFilteruseNeonOrAVX
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::SSEFilteruseNeonOrSSE
template<class DstType >
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::TransformedByStaticCast, DstType > transformedByStaticCastTo
 Transforms all source elements to DstValueType by applying a static_cast<DstValueType> to them.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::Acosacos
 Computes the inverse cosine of each source element.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::Acoshacosh
 Computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine of each source element.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::Asinasin
 Computes the inverse sine of each source element.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::Asinhasinh
 Computes the inverse hyperbolic sine of each source element.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::Atanatan
 Computes the inverse tangent of each source element.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::Atanhatanh
 Computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent of each source element.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::Coscos
 Computes the cosine of each source element.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::Coshcosh
 Computes the hyperbolic cosine of each source element.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::Sinsin
 Computes the sine of each source element.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::Sinhsinh
 Computes the hyperbolic sine of each source element.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::Tantan
 Computes the tangent of each source element.
constexpr ExpressionChainBuilder< expressions::Tanhtanh
 Computes the hyperbolic tangent of each source element.
template<has::size T>
constexpr size_t extentOf = detail::Extent<std::remove_cvref_t<T>>::value
 Equals the extent of the container or expression type.

Detailed Description

The main namespace of the VCTR project.

Typedef Documentation

◆ DataType

template<class T >
using vctr::DataType = typedef typename detail::DataType<std::remove_reference_t<T> >::Type

The const correct element type derived from a call to T::data.

◆ ExpressionChainBuilder

template<template< size_t, class... > class ExpressionType, class... AdditionalCompileTimeParameters>
using vctr::ExpressionChainBuilder = typedef ExpressionChainBuilderWithRuntimeArgs<ExpressionType, detail::RuntimeArgChain<std::tuple<> >, AdditionalCompileTimeParameters...>

Convenient typedef to create a simple expression chain builder instance for an expression template.

◆ FloatType

template<is::realNumber T>
using vctr::FloatType = typedef typename detail::FloatType<std::remove_cvref_t<T> >::Type

The best matching float type for the real number type T.

If T is an integer, the type will be float if T is < 32 Bit and double otherwise. If T is a floating point type, the type will be T.

◆ RealType

template<is::number T>
using vctr::RealType = typedef typename detail::RealType<std::remove_cvref_t<T> >::Type

If T is any instance of std::complex, this will be the real value_type, otherwise this will be T.

◆ StorageInfoType

template<has::sizeAndData T>
using vctr::StorageInfoType = typedef typename detail::StorageInfoType<std::remove_cvref_t<T> >::Type

If t is a type derived from VctrBase, this will equal the return value of T::getStorageInfo, otherwise this will be StorageInfo<T>.

◆ ValueType

template<class T >
using vctr::ValueType = typedef typename detail::ValueType<std::remove_cvref_t<T> >::Type

If T is an expression template, it equals its return type, if it's a type that defines value_type as a public typedef, it equals value_type.

Function Documentation

◆ assertCommonSize()

template<class A , class B >
constexpr void vctr::assertCommonSize ( const A &  a,
const B &  b 

Ensures that both sources have the same size.

In case they both specify a non-dynamic extent, this will be a compile-time static_assert, otherwise it will perform a runtime assert comparing the sizes.

◆ functionName() [1/2]

template<class R , class Arg , R(*)(Arg) fn>
consteval std::string_view vctr::functionName ( )

Returns the name for a function with a single argument.

◆ functionName() [2/2]

template<class R , class ArgA , class ArgB , R(*)(ArgA, ArgB) fn>
consteval std::string_view vctr::functionName ( )

Returns the name for a function with two arguments.

◆ getCommonExtent()

template<class A , class B >
consteval size_t vctr::getCommonExtent ( )

Returns std::dynamic_extent in case both sources specify a dynamic extent.

Throws in case both sources specify a non-matching non-dynamic extent. Returns the non-dynamic extent found otherwise.

◆ makeExpressionChainBuilderWithRuntimeArgs()

template<template< size_t, class... > class ExpressionType, class... RuntimeArgs>
requires (sizeof... (RuntimeArgs) > 0)
auto vctr::makeExpressionChainBuilderWithRuntimeArgs ( RuntimeArgs...  runtimeArgs)

Helper function to build factory functions for expressions that rely on runtime argument values.

These kinds of expressions don't expose a constexpr instance of the expression chain builder but supply a factory function, which returns an expression chain builder instance which holds the desired value to apply. Example: Example:

// The factory function that takes the desired runtime argument s.
template <class T>
constexpr auto clamp (T lowerBound, T upperBound)
return makeExpressionChainBuilderWithRuntimeArgs<Clamp> (lowerBound, upperBound);
constexpr auto clamp(T lowerBound, T upperBound)
Ensures that the elements are not lower than lowerBound and not higher than upperBound.
Definition: Clamp.h:225

The expression chain created like that will later pass the two arguments to the void applyRuntimeArgs member function of the expression in the same order as they were passed to makeExpressionChainBuilderWithRuntimeArgs – so in case you want to build an expression that takes runtime arguments, make sure to implement that function.

◆ makeSimdAlignedSpan() [1/2]

template<size_t extent, class ElementType >
requires (extent != std::dynamic_extent)
auto vctr::makeSimdAlignedSpan ( ElementType *  data)

Creates a span with static extent pointing to a memory location that is expected to be SIMD aligned.

◆ makeSimdAlignedSpan() [2/2]

template<class ElementType >
auto vctr::makeSimdAlignedSpan ( ElementType *  data,
size_t  size 

Creates a span with dynamic extent pointing to a memory location that is expected to be SIMD aligned.

◆ makeTemplateExpressionChainBuilderWithRuntimeArgs()

template<template< size_t, class... > class ExpressionType, class ExpressionTemplateArg , class... RuntimeArgs>
requires (sizeof... (RuntimeArgs) > 0)
auto vctr::makeTemplateExpressionChainBuilderWithRuntimeArgs ( RuntimeArgs...  runtimeArgs)

Helper function to build factory functions for expressions that rely on runtime argument values.

This function is just like makeExpressionChainBuilderWithRuntimeArgs except for allowing to pass one further template type argument to the ExpressionType.

◆ operator==()

template<is::anyVctr Lhs, is::anyVctr Rhs>
requires std::same_as<ValueType<Lhs>, ValueType<Rhs>>
constexpr bool vctr::operator== ( const Lhs &  lhs,
const Rhs &  rhs 

Compares lhs and rhs for equality.

They are considered equal if their size is the same and every element at a certain index in lhs compares equal to the corresponding element at the same index in rhs.

◆ simdAlignedSpanStorageInfo()

template<class ElementType >
consteval auto vctr::simdAlignedSpanStorageInfo ( )

Creates a StaticStorageInfo instance suitable to be passed to a Span constructor.

Declares the viewed data to be SIMD aligned. Required alignment is 32 byte on x64 and 16 byte on ARM.

◆ sizeToInt()

int vctr::sizeToInt ( size_t  size)

Casts the size_t argument to an int.

In a debug build, this checks for potential overflow issues

◆ typeName()

template<class T >
consteval std::string_view vctr::typeName ( )

Returns a string containing the templates type name.

Variable Documentation

◆ extentOf

template<has::size T>
constexpr size_t vctr::extentOf = detail::Extent<std::remove_cvref_t<T>>::value

Equals the extent of the container or expression type.